Free Software
Inkscape |
Gimp |
Blender |
Imagemagick | Command line image editor
Daz3D |
Evernote | Capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere
Trello | Notes
Color Tools
W3S Color | Color picker
Colorstash | Color analyse
Color Hex | Color analyse cool
Coolors | Color palettes
Colourlovers | Color palettes
BG Siteorigin | Background Generator
Web Design Tools
Appspot | Abstract Painting with CSS Filters
Samuelrossille | CSS shape genetator
Bootstrap | HTML, CSS, and JS library
Blogs to Follow
Affiliate Tools
Online Editors
CodePen |
JSFiddle |
Piskel | Make pixelart online
Sumopaint | Photohop in a browser
Canva | Online Craphic Editor
Ezgif | Animated Gifs Made Easy
Free Stock Stuff
Online Money
Upwork | Top freelancing website
Shutterstock |
Videohive |
Envato |
Amazon Handmade |
Shopify |
Oberlo | Dropshipping
Eligma | AI
Print on Demand
Design by Humans | Tees, Prints
Society6 | Prints, Shirts, Cups
Redbubble | One of the main players of the game
Teespring | Design and get custom apparel
Teepublic | Also become an affiliate
Threadless | On-going design competition
Zazzle | As personalized as possible
TeeFury | Most affordable T-Shirts
SunFrog | High traffic and affiliate
CafePress | Express yourself
Live Heroes | Custom Designs
Flipp | Couponing
Creative Commons |
Buffer | Manage your social media marketing
Hootsuite | Manage all your social media

Templates and template like files

4K video project template | 4k-video-template.blend
HD video project template | hd-video-template.blend
