How to defeat Flowing Pandaren Spirit in a World of Warcraft pet battle


Location: Dread Wastes.


Aquatic dealing aquatic (3 abilities) damage.

Suitable counters: Magic.

Unsuitable counters: Elemental.

Try to use pets with: Flying damage.

Try to avoid pets with: Undead damage.


Suitable battle pets

Enchanted Broom, Enchanted Pen, Jade Owl.

Good choices: Jade Owl.

Best choices: Jade Owl.


Pandaren Water Spirit

Elemental dealing aquatic (2 abilities) and elemental (1 ability) damage.

Suitable counters: Magic, Critter.

Unsuitable counters: Elemental, Mechanical.

Try to use pets with: Aquatic damage.

Try to avoid pets with: Mechanical damage.


Suitable battle pets

Magic: Celestial Calf, Creeping Tentacle, Disgusting Oozeling, Enchanted Cauldron, Filthling, Grasping Manifestation, Jade Oozeling, Legs, Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn, Oily Slimeling, Syd the Squid, Toxic Wasteling, Twilight Fiendling, Viscidus Globule

Critter: Bloodfeaster Larva, Mudshell Conch, Rapana Whelk, Rusty Snail, Scooter the Snail, Shimmershell Snail, Silkbead Snail.

Good choices: Creeping Tentacle, Disgusting Oozeling, Enchanted Cauldron, Grasping Manifestation, Legs, Syd the Squid, Viscidus Globule.

Best choices: Creeping Tentacle, Enchanted Cauldron, Syd the Squid,.



Aquatic dealing aquatic (2 abilities) damage.

Suitable counters: Magic.

Unsuitable counters: Elemental.

Try to use pets with: Flying damage.

Try to avoid pets with: Undead damage.


Suitable battle pets

Enchanted Broom, Enchanted Pen, Jade Owl.

Good choices: Jade Owl.

Best choices: Jade Owl.


Last update: 2018-09-14 (Y,M,D)

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